We create security alarm systems since 1993

LLC NPP RIELTA is one of the leading companies in Russia in the field of development and production of security alarm systems and components since 1993.

The key to a company's success includes a number of factors. Among which there are high scientific potential of employees, developed experimental base, professional level of organization of mass production, 100% quality control system for manufactured products and comprehensive control of each product at all stages of the technological process. All these made it possible to obtain a certificate of conformity to GOST R ISO 9001-2015 in the national accreditation system of the Russian Federation (Rosaccreditation), certificate of conformity ISO 9001:2015 by Test-St. Petersburg under the accreditation of NABCB, which has signed a multilateral agreement with the International Accreditation Forum (MLA IAF).

years in the industry of research and manufacture of security alarm systems
quality control on all stages of the munufacturing process
to years of warranty period for the manufactured products
original designs and a wide range of developed products
About the company RIELTA
Click the video to watch he "NPP RIELTA" company presentation.
Our mission

Our main task today is to create and introduce modern security products to the domestic market and make sure that these products are competitive in all aspects to the best world achievements!

Mr. Perchukov Valery Ivanovich